Source code for mydatapreprocessing.consolidation.consolidation_config.subconfigurations.subconfigurations

"""Content for consolidation subconfigs subpackage."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any

from typing_extensions import Literal
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from mypythontools.config import Config, MyProperty

from ....types import PandasIndex, Numeric

[docs]class Datetime(Config): """Define whether to set datetime index.""" @MyProperty def datetime_column(self) -> PandasIndex | None: """Name or index of datetime column that will be set as index and converted to datetime. Type: PandasIndex | None Default: None If None, then no column will be set as index. """ return None @MyProperty def on_set_datetime_error(self) -> Literal["ignore", "raise"]: """Define what happens if converting to datetime fails. Type: Literal["ignore", "raise"] Default: "ignore" """ return "ignore"
[docs]class Resample(Config): """Change the sampling frequency.""" @MyProperty def resample(self) -> None | Literal["S", "min", "H", "M", "Y"] | str: """Frequency of resampled data. Type: None | Literal["S", "min", "H", "M", "Y"] | str Default: None If None, then data are not resampled. """ return None @MyProperty def resample_function(self) -> Literal["sum", "mean"]: """Define whether resampled values are sum of values or it's average. Type: Literal["sum", "mean"] Default: "sum" """ return "sum"
[docs]class RemoveMissingValues(Config): """Remove NaN values.""" @MyProperty def remove_all_column_with_nans_threshold(self) -> None | Numeric: """Delete all the column based on amount of NaN values. Type: None | Numeric Default: 0.85 From 0 to 1. Require that many non-nan numeric values to not be deleted. E.G if value is 0.9 with column with 10 values, 90% must be numeric that implies max 1 np.nan can be presented, otherwise column will be deleted. """ return 0.85 @MyProperty def remove_nans_type(self) -> None | Literal["interpolate", "mean", "neighbor", "remove"] | Any: """Remove rows where NaN or replace rest nan values. Type: None | Literal["interpolate", "mean", "neighbor", "remove"] | Any Default: "interpolate" If None, NaN are not removed. If you want to replace with concrete value, use float or int type. """ return "interpolate"
[docs]class StringsToNumeric(Config): """Remove or replace string values with numeric.""" @MyProperty def embedding(self) -> None | Literal["label", "one-hot"]: """Implement categorical encoding. Type: None | Literal["label", "one-hot"] Default: "label" Create numbers from strings. 'label' give each category (unique string) concrete number. Result will have the same number of columns. 'one-hot' create for every category new column. Only columns, where are strings repeating (unique_threshold) will be used. """ return "label" @MyProperty def cast_str_to_numeric(self) -> bool: """Try to convert strings to numeric. Type: bool Default: True Errors will be ignored, so if column cannot be converted to numeric, it's untouched. """ return True @MyProperty def only_numeric(self) -> bool: """Remove all non numeric values. Type: bool Default: True If True, all the non numeric columns will be dropped. 'cast_str_to_numeric' and 'embedding' are used before dropping columns. """ return True @MyProperty def unique_threshold(self) -> Numeric: """Remove string columns, that have to many categories. Type: Numeric Default: 0.6 E.g 0.9 define, that if column contain more that 90% of NOT unique values it's deleted. Min is 0, max is 1. It will remove ids, hashes etc. """ return 0.6