Source code for mydatapreprocessing.preprocessing.preprocessing_config.preprocessing_config_internal

"""Module with config  for consolidation pipeline."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from typing_extensions import Literal

from mypythontools.config import Config, MyProperty

from .subconfigurations import Discretization
from ...types import Numeric

    from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, StandardScaler

    ScalerType = Union[MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, StandardScaler]

[docs]class PreprocessingConfig(Config): """Config class for `preprocess_data` pipeline. There is `default_preprocessing_config` object already created. You can import it, edit and use. Static type check and intellisense should work. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Create subconfigs.""" self.discretization: Discretization = Discretization() @MyProperty def remove_outliers(self) -> None | Numeric: """Remove unusual values far from average. Type: None | Numeric Default: None """ return None @MyProperty def smooth(self) -> None | tuple[int, int]: """Smooth the data with Savitzky-Golay filter. Type: None | tuple[int, int] Default: None Setup with tuple (window, polynomial_order) as in `smooth` function e.g (11, 2). """ return None @MyProperty def difference_transform(self) -> bool: """Transform the data. Type: bool Default: False 'difference' transform data into differences between neighbor values. """ return False @MyProperty def standardize(self) -> None | Literal["standardize", "-11", "01", "robust"]: """Standardize the data. Type: None | Literal["standardize", "-11", "01", "robust"] Default: 'standardize' '01' and '-11' means scope from to for normalization. 'robust' use RobustScaler and 'standard' use StandardScaler - mean is 0 and std is 1. If no standardization, use None. """ return "standardize"
default_preprocessing_config = PreprocessingConfig()